With secrecy, the youngest female pulled the benefactor aside and showed her a ring she had begun wearing. “I’m married, she pronounced.” “You are, to who?” the benefactor inquired. “Her name is mommy, and we have been together 800 years.” This exchange delightfully warmed the benefactor’s heart, even though she inwardly felt like 800 years was far too short to love such a glorious being.
The benefactor allowed us to build a fire and commence a wild rumpus in the backyard. Against her better judgement, this included baking marshmallows over the fire with sticks, and making candy cookie sandwiches. Earlier, when at the general store seeking supplies, the younger male almost relinquished this privilege for all the children with incessant badgering for items that could not distinguish as a want from a need. However, he pulled it together in just enough time to not lose the special occasion treat. After the fire, it was a long process for the benefactor to wrangle the children to bed, their veins surging with sugary goodness. First, she read a book to the younger female about a girl dressed as a ladybug and her grasshopper companion. Then, the younger male dragged out his volume of Shakespeare and the benefactor read one Act, which finally seem to push the small people into the entrance for the world of dreams. Thank you to the bard for heavy, circadian language. Except the younger male only pretended to sleep, whilst the benefactor was busy tidying up after them. The older female ratted him out, making the benefactor aware that he was reading in the dark. Aside from a lecture on how he would be driving himself to soon need spectacles, the benefactor made it clear that there was to be no reading past bedtime, even though this felt like a welcome challenge for the benefactor to be handling. The next morning, the benefactor received communication from the elder female that she had left her key to the homestead in the home. The benefactor also learned that the elder male has been missing his key for months now. Explaining to the elder female that her schedule did not allow for her to deliver a spare key, the benefactor was met with a litany of responses that all pretty much ended with the sentiment of ‘you don’t care about us’. Frustrated, the benefactor explained that she cared so much that she needed the elder children to find a solution to their self-created problem. They were given the choice of finding transportation to the benefactor’s employment, or waiting until she finished late in the evening. While the benefactor was teaching, the elder children took initiative to secure transportation and obtained the necessary entry object. They both survived their mild ordeal, and should be the better for it, as the benefactor has no intention of following them throughout their lives with extra keys.
Sunday was a hearty day for the younger children and the benefactor. The younger children kicked off the afternoon with a quiet reading hour, as the benefactor dressed. When ready, the benefactor journeyed to town square with the children, planning to visit the library and nearby café. Everything was going well until they passed the café, and the younger female began a desperate plead to stop for gelato before gathering books. Tears were shed. It did not matter that they planned on stopping after, merely that they were not stopping NOW. Once she began breathing again, the younger female apologized for her outburst.
In the library, the reverberation of drums sounded throughout, which lent a sense of irony. The children and benefactor made their way upstairs to select books, which began the first negotiation of the day for the younger male, who insisted on getting a specific number of graphic novels, whilst the benefactor had a different number in mind. Thus kicked off several minutes of haggling until an agreement was reached. While the younger male picked out his selections, the younger female and benefactor cozied up in a rocking chair to read. After the library, they finally made their way to the café, where the children were delighted to pick out two flavors of gelato for consumption. The younger male went with a confident root beer and vanilla mix, while the younger female chose root beer and watermelon, which she later classified as having a ‘weird’ flavor. They sat outside, enjoying the crisp fall air, until the younger female lobbied to advance down the street to be in the direct sunlight, winning her plea. Once home, the younger female told the benefactor she made her a book and a sheet of ‘emotions’. The book, she described, was a book of happiness for the benefactor to look at if she felt sad. The paper was to be used to determine her feelings. The benefactor was deeply touched by her thoughtfulness. The elder children were MIA all day. Having spent the evening with companions, one of whom was moving overseas, the benefactor tried in vain to contain the older children. They finally arrived home in the early evening, having been on grueling two-hour hike, looking utterly exhausted and miserable. The benefactor felt perhaps this was punishment enough for the moment. In fact, the elder male was so weary that he merely showered and lay down for a short ‘rest’, not seen again for the evening. The benefactor asked the younger male to assist with preparing the ingredients for a special vegetable bread. His one task was to remove the peel of a zucchini. Instead, he took almost half the zucchini flesh with it, claiming he thought the zucchini could not have any green remaining. In jest, he commented that he gave it a ‘circumcision’, where the benefactor had to greater explain the procedure so understood exactly what he had attempted to quip. He then spent 30 minutes searching for his graphic novel, which he misplaced on the baking shelf in his haste to assist, even though he incessantly claimed he placed it somewhere he did not. In light of his stubborn insistence, the benefactor feigned ignorance of its location. It was a lovely dinner and evening, peaceful and lingering. The benefactor felt an enormous sense of gratitude and bliss for such good company, and for such a pleasing day. The benefactor and younger children took an outdoor jaunt for circulation and to exercise the canine. Midway through, the sky, already slate and brooding, split and began to drip down upon them. In the midst of returning back to the homestead, a stray cat began to pursue the canine, forcing the benefactor to eventually pick up the small, scared mutt and carry her home. Upon their return, the benefactor prepared a meal, and a special, icy concoction known as ‘frozen hot cocoa’. All of the children sat in quiet happiness, slowly sipping their dessert.
The next day, the benefactor and younger children returned home to find a variety of items curiously scattered amidst the dining room, including a machine used to smooth wrinkles from cloth. The benefactor began an inquisition into the strange mess when the elder children arrived home. The elder male, upon arrival, announced that he had burned his torso, displaying a small, red welt upon his stomach. This led the benefactor to ask if he had attempted to steam the wrinkles out of the fabric as he wore his shirt. After several firm denials, and with giggly embarrassment, he finally hung his head to confess that he had, in fact, used himself as a steam rack. This left the benefactor stymied and shaking her head in silence. Her faith in his future survival continues to diminish. In the morning, there was indecision and infighting. The youngest female, asked to wake the younger male with gentle quiet, peacefully entered his room and yelled for him to rise at the top of her lungs, waking the entire household. Affronted by her noisy ways, the younger male hid under a blanket to protect himself from her onslaught. The benefactor stepped at precisely the perfect moment before the situation spiraled out of control. After managing to dress themselves, the pair then meandered downstairs in search of sustenance, both deciding they wanted the exact same hot cereal, for which the ration was low. A heated argument ensued, and the benefactor had to step as negotiator for distribution. In the end, the younger child conceded the breakfast in exchange for an extra snack. Before rushing to be on their way, the youngest female wrapped her arms around the benefactor, just to share affection and joy. She pulled a plastic ring emblazoned with a superhero symbol from her pocket, and told the benefactor to keep it, ‘to remember her always’. The benefactor assured her she was indeed impossible to forget. It is moments like this that remind the benefactor that in the midst of such chaos and storm that rainbows thrive. Our Sunday started off with its usual, meandering pace. The benefactor took the younger children to procure the week’s necessities, and they arrived back to the homestead with sacks of items to be organized. Per usual, the elder children watched them bring in the goods, and with blank stares, merely sat in self-absorbed stupors. Finally, the elder male snapped from his reverie to assist with the task of putting items away.
After helping to empty a single sack, the elder male decided he was famished, and attempted to make himself a bowl of hot oats. Reading the cooking instructions, he saw 2/3 cups as a direction of 2-3 cups, and grossly overestimated the amount of liquid required. Thankfully the benefactor caught his egregious error, and saved him from steaming oat soup. Whilst the benefactor was busy preparing the evening repast, the younger male took it upon himself to create an excavation site in the backyard, creating a shallow grave where he searched in vain for dinosaur bones that would never be there. The younger female chimed in unsolicited, informing the benefactor that they planned to bury her head in the hole when she died later in life, which clearly struck an anxious cord in the benefactor. The youngest male became heated when asked to refill his handy work in the morning so that no one would fall in the yard and potentially be severely injured, or worse, face potential decapitation. Meanwhile, the other children were tasked with tidying their personal living spaces, particularly the female den. After a short time, music erupted and heavy footfalls could be heard shaking the ceiling. Sighing, the benefactor prepared to explore what chaos had sprung forth when three children ran into the kitchen for an impromptu dance celebration, quickly departing as fast as they entered. They moved on to disrupt the younger male, who had zero interest in partaking in the festivities and made it explicitly clear to his siblings, being required to apologize for his harsh tone. In the evening, the benefactor made a unilateral decision that dessert would not be an option, after an onslaught of bickering and arguing amongst all those under the age of 18. This was met with great disappointment and eye rolling. The younger children were shuffled off to prepare for bed. After readying for sleep, the youngest female found shut eye immediately. The elder male and benefactor undertook reading a volume of Shakespeare, presented with images created by molded brick characters. Much to her surprise, the elder male maintained wakefulness and paid rapt attention. Today, the younger children and benefactor returned home to discover lights left on, and a variety of household chores incomplete. When the elder children came home, they defended their inability to fold freshly dried towels, amongst other things. The benefactor was highly peeved, and made it very explicit what the expectations were in exchange for their ability to live a mildly carefree existence without having to provide exclusively for themselves. Clearly struck with a death wish, the elder male puffed his chest and opted to sully himself in an argument he had no hope of winning. In the end, the benefactor chose to allow him to exist, for which he showed his gratitude by completing many of the remaining chores without being nagged. Perhaps he is teachable after all. The benefactor and younger children returned home after a long day of mental exertion, only to find the house in utter disarray. The elder children, in their haste to depart in the morning, overlooked the importance of preserving electricity, leaving four lamps blazing, perhaps in case they feared the sun might die when they were out of the house. A fan was left churning, twirling the empty air for nobody. Lastly, the canine did not greet them as usual, her barking distant and muffled, finally found accidentally locked in the elder female’s room for almost 9 hours. After her release, she sat quiet for hours, mulling over her captivity.
Preparing the evening feast, the benefactor received communication that the elder male had wrongly assumed he was an independent adult, and had made a unilateral decision to attend supper at another child's home without consulting her first. He responded with flippant justification, but the benefactor made it clear that his decision was not favorable, and gave him a specific timeline for returning before consequences were issued. As usual, he did not meet his deadline, and will suffer 14 days of nonstop family interaction at home. Next morning, the younger children rose like the walking dead. The youngest female was adamant that she did not have the uniform shirt required, despite the benefactor recently giving her said shirts in a pile of fresh laundry. She scoffed the benefactor, until opening her drawer to discover the exact shirts in question, at which point she issued an immediate apology. The younger male and female sat on the settee after breakfast, debating the merits of doing their instructional practice directly after their school day ended versus later in the evening. As the younger male put it eloquently: “You want to do it right after school. I didn’t do that last year, and I was a hot mess.” Sage advice from the mouth of babes. In the evening, the children were charged with showering as the benefactor prepared their meal. The benefactor grew suspicious when the youngest female’s shower lasted approximately 3.7 minutes, even though she insisted she had properly bathed. However, the top of her hair remained dry and warranted her returning to the water to actually use soap. After cleansing, the males got into a bickering argument about where the younger male should perform his evening musical practice, as the elder male became vexed when the younger male initiated in the common area while the elder male watched the media box. The benefactor decided to let them tease out their own disagreement, the younger male eventually moving upstairs, heavily sulking. He soon returned downstairs, curling into a ball on the couch, hugging his canine companion for comfort. All was quiet until the youngest female woke from a fright late in the evening, and attempted to stumble down the shadowy staircase in search of something imaginary. Thankfully the benefactor heard her cries and could redirect her back to her bed to sleep. Of course, the benefactor then struggled with wakefulness, laying wide eyed and wondering until eventually slipping into repose in the wee hours of the morning. Bleary eyed, the benefactor woke the next morning to prepare breakfast. The usual 'I don't want breakfast dance' she engaged with the younger male commenced. He eventually capitulated and agreed to a bowl of dried rice cereal. After giving it him, the benefactor watched as he did everything but eat: picking up the mutt, wandering outside, pretending to gather things he wasn't really getting upstairs. As they prepared to leave, his bowl remained full, and the benefactor insisted on some ingestion. He bulked, and argued, eventually agreeing to eat half, while in between bites he outlined his plan to become a constitutional lawyer and eventual Supreme Court justice. God help us all. This weekend was a flurry of activity. The benefactor schlepped us to a procession of four legged and other creatures, adorned in costume and toted via wagon and other movable devices. We arrived early to stake out a prime location from which to view the festivities. Our benefactor kindly prepared eggs wrapped in tortillas, and procured fresh pastry from a local café with the assistance of the two younger children. The elder children were aghast that the younger children received twisted, cinnamon pastries whilst they merely received still warm croissants. Unable to hide her disdain, the benefactor rolled her eyes at the complaint. Otherwise, twas an exciting and engaging event, especially for our small pooch, who fell asleep on the floor of our moving vehicle on the way back to our abode.
That evening, the benefactor escorted the elder children to a film house to view a moving picture about a terrifying clown. The benefactor purchased popped corn and refreshing brewed tea to share, while the elder female balked at eating mere hand snacks. Once in the theater, the benefactor sat between the two, watching the reactions as the story progressed. Gripping his seat, the elder males sat in tense suspension during the entire picture, while the female was an impassive stone. At one point, the elder male looked at the benefactor and questioned why the female was not frightened, to which the benefactor had no response. After, they journeyed home to watch the media box, engaging in the original version of the one they had just viewed at the theater, the children falling asleep. Yesterday, the younger children and the benefactor tackled acquiring groceries and necessities, while the elder children were given a task list for the homestead. After whining incessantly, the younger children agreed to be cooperative in exchange for a refreshing beverage from the general store. Not above bribery, the benefactor was happy to consent. Having gathered their needs for the week, the children and benefactor came home, and the younger children negotiated their services cleaning the moving vehicle in exchange for a cold dessert. Immediately, the benefactor sent them to work, clearing the dirt and residue as best as they were able. Two hours later, they completed the task and were paid as decided in frozen confectionery. Come evening, the younger children were difficult to wrangle for bedtime, leading the benefactor to question if confectionery was a good idea. The elder children only postponed sleep for everyone by continually talking and arguing with their younger siblings. It wasn’t until the benefactor threatened the removal of their nighttime ‘tuck’, that the younger progeny finally settled for the night, and peace, at least, descended upon them all. A few mornings ago, the benefactor woke and journeyed downstairs to find a trail of paper towels scattered across the homestead in various rooms, which has been a consistent and persistent annoyance. When confronted, the elder children balked at the notion that either of them could possibly be to blame. The benefactor, very familiar with the elder male and his habits of wasting paper products, harbored secret suspicion he was the culprit. After an intense round of questioning, he admitted that he, in fact, was the responsible party.
That evening, the benefactor couldn’t find the special cord for her talking machine. After searching every nook and cranny of her space, she ventured into the room of the male children, only to discover that the eldest male took not just the cord, but also the device that provides power, without permission. The benefactor was very disappointed and irate, as she had been seeking those parts for her device for hours. After finally sitting down to complete some tasks, the benefactor was visited by the youngest female, awoken by a dream. The benefactor, assuaging the young child, comforted her, and watched her leave return to her bed. However, when the benefactor prepared to go to sleep herself, she found the child had merely walked halfway up the stairs and fallen into repose on the landing. After some bargaining with the youngest female, only half awake, she managed to assist her in finding her way back to her sleeping nest. Next evening, the benefactor prepared a wonderful meal. After preparing plates for each progeny, they sat together, enjoying the evening dinner together, the children devouring every bite. When he finished, the elder male, for no good reason, placed his plate in the sink, only to retrieve a bowl from the cupboard to get a second serving. When the benefactor asked him why he insisted on dirtying more dishes than were necessary, he replied with his typical, blank response of, “I don’t know”. After dinner, the benefactor suggested building a fire for warmth and to roast confectionery squares with cocoa pieces and golden crackers. The elder male volunteered to build the fire, and the benefactor reluctantly consented. He prepared supplies, then insisted he was ready to light it as he had been taught by a male mentor. When the benefactor came outside, she discovered he merely crumpled paper into the fire pit, but did not add any actual wood to the container. When asked how he planned to set the logs on fire, he had no answer other than to say that he was absolutely sure he had recreated what he was taught, and that it would work. The benefactor gave him the matches for pure fun, just to watch as he failed miserably. Finally following her advice to put wood into the metal bowl for incineration, the elder male reluctantly admitted she was right that the fire would not magically appear without something to burn. As the children roasted their dessert, the benefactor was curious how the elder male kept the fire stoked, until she realized he had been using lined paper to keep the flames lit. A proper lecture on the appropriate use of school paper was given on the spot. After the younger children had been sufficiently plied with sweets, the benefactor tried in vain to wrangle them to bedtime, finally achieving success after twenty minutes of begging, pleading, and eventually, stern demanding. The younger children settled, the elder children and the benefactor sat by the flames, watching the almost full moon ascend into the sky as sparks from the fire rose to meet him. Twas a lovely ending to a hectic day, finding a small slice of perfection amidst the chaos. Our benefactor was sick yesterday, and required treatment. Forced to drag the youngest children, she also made the elder male join in the festivities of trekking to the medical office for the proper care. We waited for close to 60 minutes, which might have well been days. During that time, the youngest female could not halt touching the rock waterfall in the center of the lobby, despite being told numerous times to do so. The elder male knocked over someone’s tea on accident, and the younger male sat in a quiet stupor, which likely meant he was contemplating something less than savory for later.
After finally being tended to, the benefactor took us to the local general store for supplies. The younger children immediately began demanding she acquire a dessert of some sort, while the benefactor, barely feeling human, repeatedly refuted their request. We swiftly made our way procuring items necessary for their afternoon repast. But by the time we left, all the benefactor could hear was the pounding of their voices echoing in her head, so it seemed the perfect moment to initiate an argument in the transportation vehicle. We then journeyed to the pharmacy, where we waited for several minutes just to be told that the benefactor could not acquire her necessary medicines here, but would have to travel elsewhere. The manager assured her that they would only need to talk to the other location, and to have them reach them by landline. Not wasting time, the benefactor contacted the other location right away, and was told that the process could take up to an hour. We then headed home and prepared our late afternoon meal, the younger children instantly absorbed into the media box and a film about an unusual family with an uncle who can conduct electricity using only his mouth. Bickering erupted over how much was being served and to whom, as the elder male was keeping a large portion of the stratified bean concoction to himself. The benefactor, not feeling herself, found terse words tumbling from her mouth in all directions. For a short span, the nitpicking ended. Little over an hour later, the benefactor once again gathered the younger children to travel to the pharmacy. Arriving, the information had still not been appropriately sent. More waiting ensued. More whining ensued. The benefactor’s head felt like it might burst. The pharmacists kept apologizing, which really did nothing to smooth the situation. Near hysterics, the younger female hid in a corner, only accepting comfort from her sibling. After forty minutes of seemingly torture, the benefactor was asked to rejoin the long line and wait more to get her medicine. The children were irate at having to stand on their legs. If the benefactor could cut people with her glance, no one would have left unscathed. Finally, after more muffled apologies, she procured her prescription and they headed home. Upon return, the elder children were swiftly informed that they were in charge of preparing the evening meal. The elder female took offense at not being ‘asked’ if she would like to make the meal, apparently believing she lived in a free state. This even further ruffled the benefactor’s feathers, already on edge from the morning’s frustrations. There would be no democracy today. As the benefactor attempted rest, the younger children were asked to tidy their living spaces. This generated instant disagreement with the elder children on how to proceed with the task, ending with the younger male finding his way downstairs to join the benefactor in watching the alien doctor on the media box, and the younger female taking refuge in the benefactor’s bed to nap with the dog, who is generally forbidden on her sleeping surface. Finally, nighttime ascended, and the elder children did their best to cook a simple meal: frozen vegetable patties and corn. The elder female cooked the patties to a crumble before the corn was properly wrapped and prepared for heating, as timing was never a consideration. When creating meal plates, the corn had to be returned to heat once more as it was still stiff and unyielding. The benefactor journeyed into the kitchen only once, and quickly left, terrified by the sheer number of dishes that had multiplied in the sink for such a elementary dinner. It only furthered her nervous concern that once on their own, the elder children may, indeed, eventually perish. After dinner, the younger male and elder children decided to have the loudest conversation in the world in the kitchen, despite repeatedly being asked to quiet down. Moving upstairs, the noise increased tenfold. Truly vexed, the benefactor send the youngest female as a warning envoy that bedtime would be immediately enforced if the noise did not reach a tolerable level. The younger male made the wise decision to leave with his female sibling and return downstairs, where the benefactor engaged them in a media program about the mysteries of the universe. Finally, a semblance of whispering quiet fell over the house, and at last, the benefactor could truly rest. |
AuthorWelcome to the jungle of my life as a 40-something single mother of four. Archives
May 2018
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